What's in your mental kit bag?

  • A plan to manage the thousands of thoughts you have each day?
  • A way to be more confident, consistent and on task?
  • A strategy to overcome nerves, and doubts?
  • An understanding of how to be a happier you on and off the field of play?

Meet Todd Astle

Todd, was a talented young cricketer who hit a roadblock in his mid-twenties. He was struggling for form, anxious and overthinking his performances, and unable to detach Todd the player from Todd the person. After being dropped as an opening batsman for Canterbury, he went back to club cricket and transformed himself into an international leg-spinning all-rounder for the Black Caps in the space of 18 months. Playing across all 3 formats for his country and becoming Canterbury Cricket's all-time leading wicket-taker in the process. A remarkable achievement considering leg-spin is one of the most difficult skills in the sport & NZ conditions aren't especially condusive to the art. So what does he credit with his turnaround in fortunes?

His mental skills toolkit.

Todd is a huge fan of the saying "Awareness activates our abilities" and credits a greater awareness of his own thoughts as a key part of his turnaround.

During his mid-career pivot, he worked alongside Sports Psychologists & Coaches to develop his own personal framework that had obvious results on and off the field.

For the past 6 years Todd, has combined this framework with his studies (BSRM & Cert ANZI Life & Mindfulness Coach) and practical work with schools and clubs to develop The Innerspin Online Course.

Backed by science and grounded in high-level performance, this course guides you in creating your own mental toolkit. 

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Throughout the course, Todd gives you the tools that allow you to develop your mental skills at your pace. The course is delivered in a way that makes the concepts incredibly relatable and applicable to anyone looking to improve their mental approach to not only sport, but life in general. 

Innerspin is delivered over 5 modules, lasting around 30mins each. You will learn the principles of mental skills, with real-life examples from how Todd and other athletes have applied them. Each module contains exercises and resources that help you build out your mental toolkit. 

We think this might be the best piece of "sports equipment" you've ever purchased. 

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The 5 Innerspin Modules that you'll benefit from forever

Module 1: Clarity & Motivation

Understanding identity and success, goal setting, self-reflection around beliefs and areas to challenge and inspire us as athletes. With greater focus will come greater clarity, and with greater clarity will come more motivation, more consistent action, and ultimately, peak performance.

Module 2: Habits of Greatness

We look at the power of planning, preparation, and routines. Building up a routine that will allow you to perform at or near your best is vital in giving you not only consistency with how you play but also greater:

  • Confidence
  • Motivation
  • Clarity
  • Belief
  • Enjoyment

Module 3: Everyday MVP: Mindfulness, Visualisation, Positive Self-talk

In this module, we look at ways to best manage distractions, regulate our emotions and deal with stress both in sport and everyday life. We also look at how to use imagery to see and feel ourselves performing and succeeding. Focus is then given to our self-talk and how we can shift our thinking and the negative language we so often use, to be more constructive and positive and have it help us, rather than hinder our progress.

Module 4: Champion Mindset

Mental skills education and training helps to turn potential and capability into performance. It is very rare to achieve one’s potential without the right mindset. This module dives into mindset, pressure and overcoming adversity to build resilience.

Module 5: Winning Wellbeing

Mastering your body and mind is a fundamental, foundational part of your journey towards greatness. These create the engine that powers the runaway train of your vision. Pushes you over obstacles, clears a path for you to focus, and fuels the drive that takes your dreams even further than you imagined possible when you first dreamed them.

Want to see the course content in more detail before you commit? Register below & we'll send you a short video (4mins) that includes excerpts from every module.

Course Testimonial - Kim Tay


How & when will I receive the course content?

Upon completing your purchase, we'll be in touch within 24 hours to get you started. From here, you'll receive an email every 7 days with a new module.

How long do I get access to the content for?

Great news, you'll have access under your log-in details forever. Awesome if you want to check back in and keep developing your toolkit.

Can I purchase for my team, club or school?

Yes you can, if you'd like to join our group program please reach out to notes@mysportsnotes.com

Who is the course suitable for?

Anyone who is looking to improve their performance. Mental Skills is such an untapped area that no matter your age or stage, you'll benefit from the course now and in the future.