Why MySportsNotes?

For some reason the term "Mental Skills" feels like something distant, or hard, or a little bit uncool. Maybe it's hard to quantify if we're improving or not? Maybe the idea of self-reflection is challenging?

We get it! Generally, there is a fair amount of uncertainty on what Mental Skills mean and how to apply them. 

But that's what we love about it! We believe there is a great opportunity to guide you on your journey. To prompt you in ways that make starting easier. To make improvement visible. To help you solve problems, and celebrate successes. 

We share tools and strategies developed in academia and used by the best performers in the world. Because more and more we understand that your mental toolkit and processes are just as valuable as your physical fitness, skills and tactical nous.

We want you to experience the improvement that you can make. 

To be able to CREATE YOUR GREAT. Whatever that looks like for you. 

Let's do this, 

Your Supporters,

My Sports Notes :)